According to the By-laws of St. Paul’s Parish, all Vestry members and Officers must be members of the parish and be elected at the annual Parish meeting. Officers are elected for a period of one year. Vestry members serve for a period of three years after election by the Parish. It is the responsibility of the Vestry to determine the policies and goals of the congregation and to communicate with the congregation about the goals, concerns and functioning of the church. In order to accomplish this task, meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. All members of the congregation are welcome to attend these meetings and participate in the discussion. We encourage everyone to share their ideas and concerns with the members of the Vestry, either at the meeting or individually.
Vicar – Rev. Christipher L. Webber
Vestry Officers:
- Lisa Cosgrove, Senior Warden
- David Weil, Junior Warden
- Roy Bouffard, Tresurer
- Nancy Southard, Assistant Tresurer
Vestry Members:
- Martha Weik
- Joan Woznicki
- Jean Grela
- Alec Waters