Our Community

The Choir, the St. Paul’s Ladies Group, and the Altar Guild all combine to make the family of St. Paul’s a more  involved community. 

“Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.”  After a brief introduction of himself, these are the words Paul writes to the Hebrews, the Galatians, the Philemon, and the Corinthians, and so on.  He then often continues as he does in Timothy I, 2:1,  “I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men…” and here we add women and children.  This is the very same intention that the members of the Pastoral Care Team (PACT) take as they make their visitations and phone calls to the hospitalized and homebound parishioners, reaching out with compassion, often at a person’s or family’s greatest time of need.

Members of the Pastoral Care Team (PACT) are vital members of our lay ministry.    Their generosity also provides rides for doctor visits or meals to families in crisis.  Anyone who would have an interest in joining the team would be welcomed with open arms.  If you find yourself or your family in need of support, please contact the Church Office.